15 février 2007

Petit homme, prends garde aux huiles essentielles

L'histoire est racontée dans le New England Journal of Medicine. Aux Etats-Unis, trois jeunes garçons se sont soudainement vus pousser des seins avant même leur puberté. L'enquête a conduit les auteurs à mettre en causes des… huiles essentielles ! Explications.

Les spécialistes appellent cela une gynécomastie prépubertaire. Comme le souligne le Dr Derek Henley des National Institutes of Health (NIH), « la plupart des cas sont habituellement classés comme idiopathiques ». C'est-à-dire sans cause connue.

Les trois garçons étaient âgés de respectivement 4, 7 et 10 ans lorsqu'ils ont présenté un développement anormal de la glande mammaire. Les auteurs ont rapidement écarté l'hypothèse d'une puberté précoce, dans la mesure où « ils présentaient des taux d'hormones circulantes normaux et qu'ils étaient par ailleurs en bonne santé ».

En revanche, il s'est avéré que les trois enfants avaient tous été exposés de façon prolongée à l'application par leurs mères de produits – baumes corporels, shampooings et autres lotions – contenant des huiles essentielles. Et plus spécifiquement des huiles de lavande et de théier, du nom de cet arbuste originaire d'Asie qui donne le thé. Dans les trois cas, les effets ont disparu dans les mois qui ont suivi l'arrêt des applications.

Des études in vitro ont montré que les essences en question inter-agissaient avec les hormones masculines. A partir de quelles doses ? Des études complémentaires seront nécessaires pour répondre à cette question. En attendant, les auteurs mettent en garde contre « l'exposition répétée à ces produits ».

Source : New England Journal of Medicine, Vol.356, n°5

(Destination Santé)

Un exemple de plus de la confusion, entretenue par les vendeurs de potions, entre "naturel" et "sans danger". Comme pour tous les produits actifs, naturels ou pas, les risques d'effets secondaires non négligeables existent. Habituellement, ils sont soumis au contrôle des autorités de santé et à la prescription médicale. Mais ce contrôle coûte cher aux vendeurs de potions-miracle qui essayent de s'en défaire sous prétexte de 'naturel'.

Creationists defeated in Kansas school vote on science teaching

· Guidelines challenging Darwinism banned
· Decision is latest blow to intelligent design activists

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
The Guardian

School authorities in the American heartland state of Kansas have delivered a rebuff to subscribers to the notion of intelligent design by voting to banish language challenging evolution from new science guidelines.

In a 6-4 vote on Tuesday night, the Kansas state board of education deleted language from teaching guidelines that challenged the validity of evolutionary theory, and approved new phrasing in line with mainstream science.

It was seen as a victory for a coalition of moderate Republicans and Democrats, science educators and parents who had fought for two years to overturn the earlier guidelines.

The decision is the latest in a string of defeats for proponents of creationism, and its modern variant, intelligent design. It reverses the decision taken by the same authorities two years ago to include language undermining Darwinism - on the insistence of conservative parents and activists in the intelligent design movement.

In redrafting guidelines for science teaching, the board removed language suggesting that key concepts such as a common origin for all life on Earth and for species change were seen as controversial by the scientific community.

The board also rewrote the definition of science, limiting it to the search for rational explanations of what occurs in the universe. The move, though limited in its scope, was seen as significant because it rejected a key argument of subscribers to intelligent design: that providing children with arguments for and against evolution merely amounts to fair play.

But Kansas remains a conservative state and many people harbour misgivings about teaching evolution to school children. The school board received a petition with nearly 4,000 signatures opposing Tuesday's decisions.

Overcoming such misgivings will be difficult, said Jack Krebs, a former maths teacher who is president of Kansas Citizens for Science.

"The bigger issue is the cultural divide. The intelligent design people and the anti-evolution people truly believe that science as it is practised is atheistic, and excludes God, and this is really the heart of the cultural battle," Mr Krebs said.

Despite this latest setback proponents of intelligent design remain active across the US. In the last five years, anti-evolution legislation has been introduced in 24 state legislatures and similar policies were under consideration in at least 20 states, according to the National Centre for Science Education in California.

Given the deep passions surrounding the teaching of evolution in Kansas, it is widely expected that proponents of intelligent design will not let up in their campaign over science teaching.

"They have really been on a rollercoaster for the last 10 years in Kansas," said Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Centre for Science Education. "This isn't really good for the state of science education in Kansas for the treatment of evolution to be in such flux. It probably does have the effect of encouraging creationism in the local classroom."


Teaching creationism in American public schools has been outlawed since 1987 when the supreme court ruled that the inclusion of religious material in science classes was unconstitutional. In recent years, however, opponents of the theory of evolution - first developed by Charles Darwin, above - have regrouped, challenging science education with the doctrine of "intelligent design", which has been carefully stripped of all references to God and religion. Unlike traditional creationism, which claims that God created the earth in six days, proponents of intelligent design say the workings of this planet are too complex to be ascribed to evolution. There must have been a designer working to a plan - that is, a creator.

Encore une escarmouche qui se traduit par une victoire des laïcs. Le dessein intelligent n'a pas réussi à faire illusion scientifique.